Using AI to help with your Pilates studio or Pilates classes Marketing

I have been playing with ChatGPT to assess how and when it might be helpful for my consultancy clients.  ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology.  It allows you to have human-like conversations and request compositions from the chatbot.  The language model can answer questions like a search engine but also assist you with composition tasks, such as composing emails, articles, essays etc using existing content from sources all over the web.

I had just received an email from Pilates in Tarleton – titled Discover Pilates Life for the Mature Client, and really liked the job they had done.    I wondered how easy it would be for ChatGPT to use some of the content I liked to produce me firstly a blog on this subject, so I asked the following:

“I want to post a serious blog about Pilates for ageing adults and would like you to combine your knowledge with some of this advertisement which I really like” :  


Are you or someone you know starting to feel your age?

Are you or someone you know struggling to bend down, fasten your shoes, get up out of a chair?

Struggling to get in and out of the car?

Do you get out of breath quickly?

Do you feel like you are really starting to feel your age?

Do you just feel that you are 'not as fit as you used to be?

We understand the unique needs and desires of those who have experienced the passage of time, and our Pilates Life class is designed with your comfort and wellness in mind.  Why Pilates for the Older Adult?  As we age, the idea of starting a new exercise routine might feel daunting, but Pilates is a gentle yet highly effective approach that's perfect for the mature body.  Unlike high-impact workouts that can strain joints, Pilates offers a low-impact, safe way to rejuvenate your physicality at any age.  By increasing flexibility and range of motion, it empowers you with newfound freedom and helps prevent strains and injuries commonly faced by older adults.  Moreover, Pilates has been shown to alleviate the effects of age-related ailments like arthritis, osteoporosis, and lumbar stenosis.  "Every moment in our life can be the beginning of great things." – Joseph Pilates Discover the gentle power of Pilates, an exercise form that respects your body's needs and limitations while delivering transformative results. Whether you're new to exercise or returning after a hiatus, Pilates is the safe and effective way to regain physical and mental well-being.

In 9 seconds ChatGPT produced this article:

Title: Empowering Aging Adults: The Transformative Benefits of Pilates


Are you or someone you know starting to feel the effects of aging? Do you struggle with everyday tasks like bending down, fastening your shoes, or getting up from a chair? Are you finding it challenging to get in and out of your car, or do you get out of breath more quickly than before? If you resonate with these experiences, you're not alone.  Aging is a natural part of life, and as our bodies change, it's essential to find an exercise routine that supports our well-being.  That's where Pilates comes in. In this blog post, we'll explore the incredible benefits of Pilates for aging adults and why it's a perfect choice for maintaining physical and mental wellness.

Understanding the Unique Needs of Aging Adults:

Professional Pilates Instructors recognize the unique needs and desires of those who have experienced the passage of time. They understand that embarking on a new exercise journey might feel overwhelming, especially if you're concerned about joint strain or injuries. That's why a Professional Pilates instructor is skilled and trained to create classes and sessions specifically designed with your comfort and wellness in mind. The approach to Pilates for older adults emphasizes a gentle yet highly effective method that respects your body's needs and limitations.

The Gentle Power of Pilates:

Pilates is a form of exercise that's gentle yet powerful, making it a perfect fit for the mature body. Unlike high-impact workouts that can place undue stress on joints, Pilates offers a low-impact, safe way to revitalize your physicality at any age. By focusing on controlled movements and breathing techniques, Pilates helps improve flexibility, enhance range of motion, and promote overall body strength. These benefits empower you with newfound freedom, allowing you to move more gracefully and confidently through your daily activities.

Preventing Strains and Injuries:

One of the significant advantages of Pilates for aging adults is its ability to prevent strains and injuries commonly faced by those with more mature bodies. As we age, the risk of ailments like arthritis, osteoporosis, and lumbar stenosis becomes more pronounced. Pilates has been shown to alleviate the effects of these conditions by promoting joint health, enhancing bone density, and improving posture. The controlled and mindful nature of Pilates exercises ensures that you're working within your body's limits while still achieving meaningful results.

The Wisdom of Joseph Pilates:

Joseph Pilates, the founder of the Pilates method, once said, "Every moment in our life can be the beginning of great things." This quote encapsulates the philosophy behind Pilates—no matter your age or fitness level, there's always an opportunity for positive change and growth. Pilates encourages you to embrace your current stage of life and work towards a healthier, more vibrant future.

Discover the Transformative Results:

Embarking on a Pilates journey can be a transformative experience for aging adults. Whether you're new to exercise or returning after a hiatus, Pilates provides a safe and effective way to regain physical and mental well-being. It's not just about the physical benefits; Pilates also promotes mental clarity, relaxation, and a heightened sense of body awareness.


Aging is a natural process, but it doesn't mean you have to compromise your physical vitality or overall well-being. Pilates offers a path to rejuvenation, enabling you to embrace your age with strength, grace, and confidence. By focusing on controlled movements, breathing, and mindfulness, Pilates empowers you to lead a fulfilling and active life regardless of your age. So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of self-care and transformation, consider joining a Pilates Life class and experience the gentle power of Pilates for yourself. Remember, every moment is an opportunity for greatness, and Pilates can help you seize it.


Impressive or what ?!:-  Okay, for the UK market there is a bit of editing to do to replace US English spelling with British and get rid of the ‘z’s replacing with ‘S’s, and some phrases and content I might want to remove or add -  but this would have taken me a couple of hours to have written.


So now I thought let’s take this Blog attempt just as it is and ask Chat GPT to :

“Thanks, ChatGPT - Please take the Blog post here and create me some adverts to use to promote classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 2 p.m. for older clients -  let’s call my club ‘PilatesGurus’”

This time it took 4 seconds to produce these adverts :

Absolutely, I'd be happy to help you create some adverts to promote your Pilates classes for older clients at PilatesGurus. Here are three adverts tailored for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes at 2 p.m.:

Advert for Monday Classes at 2 pm:

🌟 Rejuvenate Your Mondays with Pilates! 🌟

Join us at PilatesGurus for an invigorating Pilates session designed exclusively for aging adults. Discover the gentle power of Pilates to enhance flexibility, improve posture, and boost overall strength. Our experienced instructors ensure a comfortable and effective workout tailored to your needs. Embrace the week ahead with grace and confidence. Reserve your spot now for Monday's class at 2 p.m. and embark on a journey of wellness. It's time to thrive at any age! 💪🌼 #PilatesGurus #MondayMotivation


Advert for Wednesday Classes at 2pm:

🌼 Midweek Mindfulness through Pilates 🌼

Elevate your Wednesday afternoons with a revitalizing Pilates session at PilatesGurus. Our specialized classes for mature individuals focus on controlled movements, mindful breathing, and gentle exercise, promoting joint health and mental clarity. Rediscover the joy of movement and enhance your well-being. Join us for Wednesday's class at 2 p.m. and experience the transformative benefits of Pilates. Embrace your age with strength and tranquility. Reserve your spot now! 🧘‍♀️🍃 #PilatesGurus #WellnessWednesday


Advert for Friday Classes at 2pm:

🌞 Embrace the Weekend Energized with Pilates 🌞

Kickstart your weekend with a revitalizing Pilates session at PilatesGurus! Our Friday classes at 2 p.m. are tailored to provide aging adults with a safe and effective workout that promotes flexibility, balance, and body awareness. Feel the gentle power of Pilates as you cultivate strength and confidence. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to exercise, our expert instructors are here to guide you on your journey to well-being. Secure your spot now and start your weekend feeling empowered! 💃🌟 #PilatesGurus #FeelGoodFriday

Feel free to adjust these adverts to fit your specific preferences and add any additional information you'd like to highlight. Best of luck with promoting your Pilates classes and helping older clients embrace wellness and vitality!


I hope without writing any more myself I have convinced you that you are missing a real trick if you do not start to make AI a part of your Advertising toolbox - but before I go let’s ask ChatGPT to tell you how to get going.

 How to create Blogs and adverts using ChatGPT

“ChatGPT these adverts are great - I would like to share with my clients who have not used ChatGPT before, how to get started and find you themselves and then start to create blogs and adverts like this for themselves”.

7 seconds to start the reply and 43 seconds to complete the reply!!

Absolutely, I'd be delighted to guide your clients on how to get started and create blogs and adverts using ChatGPT! Here's a step-by-step guide for them:

Step 1: Accessing ChatGPT

Visit the OpenAI Website: Go to the OpenAI website at using a web browser on your computer or mobile device.

Sign Up or Log In: If you're a new user, you may need to sign up for an account. If you're an existing user, log in using your credentials.

Subscribe (if needed): Depending on the access level, you might need to subscribe to a plan to access ChatGPT. Follow the instructions provided to complete the subscription process.

Step 2: Accessing ChatGPT Interface

Navigate to "Playground": Once you're logged in, you'll likely see the "Playground" option. Click on it to access the ChatGPT interface.
Step 3: Creating Blogs and Adverts

Choose a Prompt: In the ChatGPT interface, you'll see a space where you can enter text. Start by providing a brief prompt or description of what you want the content to be about. For example: "Create an advert to promote Pilates classes for older clients."

Generate Text: Click the "Generate" button to have ChatGPT generate a response based on your prompt. You'll see the model's text appear in the response box.

Refine and Edit: Read through the generated text and refine it as needed. You can edit the text to match your specific preferences, add details, or make changes to suit your branding or style.

Generate Again (if needed): If you're not fully satisfied with the initial response, you can generate more text by clicking the "Generate" button again. ChatGPT will provide you with alternative suggestions.

Copy and Use: Once you're happy with the generated content, simply copy and paste it into your blogs, adverts, or any other materials you're creating.

Step 4: Experiment and Explore

Try Different Prompts: Experiment with different prompts to generate various types of content. For example, you can ask for blog introductions, social media posts, product descriptions, or creative writing pieces.

Adjust Tone and Style: Use specific instructions to guide the tone and style of the generated content. You can ask ChatGPT to create formal, informal, persuasive, or informative pieces based on your needs.

Step 5: Review and Polish

Review for Accuracy: Always review the generated content for accuracy and coherence. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the text accurately represents your message.

Polish and Personalise: Add your personal touch to the content by including relevant details, keywords, or phrases that align with your brand or business.

Step 6: Copy and Share

Copy and Paste: Once you're satisfied with the generated content, copy, and paste it into your blogs, adverts, or marketing materials.

Attribution: If you'd like, you can mention that the content was generated using ChatGPT from OpenAI.

Remember that ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but it's always a good practice to review and edit the generated content to ensure it aligns perfectly with your goals and messaging.

With these steps, your clients should be able to get started with ChatGPT and create their own engaging blogs and adverts. Happy writing!  Well Thanks Chat GPT -  I couldn’t have put it better myself !!

Author:  Chris Onslow - Pilates Consultant

Chris Onslow, has run Pilates focussed businesses since 1998.  He and his team specialise in supporting Pilates entrepreneurs and business owners.  With a rich history of owning and running successful Pilates studios in the UK, and supporting others in Europe and the Middle East, Chris has broad expertise in maximising profitability and optimising operational efficiency.  His agency provides top-tier advice on selecting new, pre-owned, and hireable Pilates equipment from renowned brands such as Align-Pilates, Balanced Body or Stott-Pilates/Merrithew.  As the founder of Mbodies Training Academy, Chris continues to revolutionise Pilates education, offering premier online and hybrid CPD and qualification courses for Pilates apparatus instruction and special population CPD.  Discover more about how Chris can support your Pilates Business or home exercise choices at 


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